My picks for the 


 Top 10 Best Wrestlers of all Time



1) Sting 

The number 1 wrestler of all time, to me has shown the most heart & the best personality.
Best Move: Scorpion Death Drop


2) Stone Cold Steve Austin 

The Bionic Redneck! Although his finisher doesnt look like it inflicts damage, His rebellion twoards authority & motto (Don't Trust Anybody) is Highly appealing.
Best Move: Drinking beer after the match


3) Rey Mysterio Jr. 

Rey Rey the Giant Killer, his incredible agility & in-ring ability with the Lucha Libre style is simply awesome.
Best Move: Whirlybird headsissors takedown


4) The Ultimate Warrior 

The Ultimate One!!!!!
Best Move: Getting the crowd all riled up


5) Jimmy "Superfly" Snooka

The original high flyer!
Best Move: Anything from the top rope


 6) Bill Goldberg

Called "The wrestler of the milenium" his rise to the top was phenomonal!
Best Move: Jackhammer


7) Chris Benoit 

He appears to have the best work ethic in the industry. Although his finisher also looks like it does no damage he  always puts on a good show.
Best Move: Suicide Head Butt


8) Rickey "The Dragon" Steamboat

All the qualities of greatness needed to be on this list. :-)


 9) Booker T

On this list because of 1 reason - He is the first African American Champion of the world to my knoledge. I dont consider him to have 2 many skills, & his in-ring personality doesnt exist.
Worst Move: Sissor Kick (it has improved but still.......)


10) Hulk Hogan

On this list because of 1 reason, His rise to fame brought wrestling out of obscurity & into the main stream. I do not consider him to have much wrestling skill whatsoever but he probably could pummel me to death - lol. I will never like him for ruining Sting's chances of winning the Chamionship Belt during his match with Goldberg by smacking him with a chair while Sting had Goldberg in the Scorpion Deathlock. Or for dropping a cargo net on Sting & mobing him with the N.W.O.
Worst Move: All of them





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